After a long hiatus of 5 years, the Elementary Section Steering Committee (ESSC) is reviving our section blog. We envision this as a space for NCTE members and non members alike to discuss issues facing classroom teachers on a daily basis. To that end, we are putting out a call for comments regarding topics of concern that could become the basis for future blog posts.
Here's a list of some topics that the ESSC has identified as "hot topics" for elementary teachers:
- How can we build on the knowledge that dual language learners bring to the classroom?
- Whatever happened to culturally responsive pedagogy?
- Teacher self-evaluation - an alternative to current trends?
- The demise of play, center time and active learning experiences - what can we do about it?
- Are the CCSS contributing to teacher surveillance, AKA, accountability?
- What can teachers do to promote critical literacy under the current uncritical policy environment?
- What is differentiation? Why differentiate instruction? What are some examples of how to differentiate in the classroom?
Elisa Waingort
Assistant Chair
of the ESSC of the NCTE