Tuesday, March 19, 2013

We're Back!

After a long hiatus of 5 years, the Elementary Section Steering Committee (ESSC) is reviving our section blog. We envision this as a space for NCTE members and non members alike to discuss issues facing classroom teachers on a daily basis. To that end, we are putting out a call for comments regarding topics of concern that could become the basis for future blog posts. 

Here's a list of some topics that the ESSC has identified as "hot topics" for elementary teachers:
  • How can we build on the knowledge that dual language learners bring to the classroom?
  • Whatever happened to culturally responsive pedagogy?
  • Teacher self-evaluation - an alternative to current trends?
  • The demise of play, center time and active learning experiences - what can we do about it?
  • Are the CCSS contributing to teacher surveillance, AKA, accountability? 
  • What can teachers do to promote critical literacy under the current uncritical policy environment?
  • What is differentiation? Why differentiate instruction? What are some examples of how to differentiate in the classroom? 
Do you agree that these are important issues for elementary teachers? What other topics would you like  to see us discuss? And, if you would like to jump in and start commenting about any of the above, we welcome that, too! We look forward to your comments.

Elisa Waingort
Assistant Chair
of the ESSC of the NCTE